Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks may be pairing up to star in an adaptation of Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Foer's novel is set in post 9-11 New York and follows a young, bright, and enigmatic 9 year-old boy who finds a key his recently deceased father left him and sets off on a journey through the five boroughs to see what it unlocks.
I can't tell you how much I love this book. It's one of those novels that you pick up and never put down until you've read and dissected every damn word. I read this book while on vacation and abroad, and I still couldn't put it down! Foer is an incredibly effective author when it comes to connecting to the reader and he really knows how to convey feelings of sadness and bittersweet emotion without becoming too contrived. I won't even lie, there were nights I sat in my hotel room, reading this book, gently weeping alone. Well, that paints a pretty picture, now doesn't it? My desperation aside, I swear, this book is fantastic.
This adaptation will be riding heavily on the actor who will be cast to play the young boy and main character, Oskar, and the screenplay. Hanks and Bullock may attract viewers and money for the studios, but that will all mean nothing if they ruin Foer's work.
Whatever comes out of this Hollywood adaptation, I have high expectations for. Starting with Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks is definitely a step in the right direction. Now add that to Stephen Daldry (The Reader, The Hours) directing, Eric Roth (Forrest Gump) writing, and Scott Rudin (The Social Network, There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men) producing, it sounds like we're in good hands.
Don't let me down, Hollywood, because I love this book more than words.
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