Monday, August 29, 2011

Anderson Cooper @Google Talks & A Post Grad Reflection

I often watch (and find great joy in) these @Google Talks, so imagine my excitement when I heard Anderson Cooper would be on to promote his new daytime talk show, Anderson. I am a huge fan of the silver fox, and I'm still sad that our paths never crossed when I worked at CNN. I've somehow convinced my (deluded) self that if we met, he'd decide that we would have to become bffs. Come on, Anderson! We're biffles! I've been known to giggle like a high-pitched girl too, except I am a girl. But that's beside the point.

At around the 12:00 mark, he starts talking about his college experience and his life post-graduation. He made the comment that he didn't find his college experience that fulfilling and that he didn't understand why people always say college is the best four years of their lives. I often have that same thought and I've spent a long time reflecting on my own experience, trying to pick apart decisions that led to taking classes, making friends, etc., and I always somehow end up blaming myself for thinking it wasn't that great. Like Anderson says, it was okay, but if that was the greatest four years of your life, then you're screwed. College is like a timewarp where you put your life on hold in a little bubble, and spend time studying abstract theories, memorizing facts like your life depended on it, and scribbling in blue books like you were writing an epic novel. Sprinkle in (or heavily douse) some lame fratboy kegger parties with too many drinks and too little regrets, and you have yourself the typical college experience. Come graduation, you have high hopes and big dreams. Fast forward a couple of months later, and you wonder if you'll ever use your political science degree for anything even remotely related to what you want in life, and where you and your dreams fit into the whole workplace/world. I think I missed the course on what do after college and how to cope when letter grades and GPAs don't mean a thing in the real world.

Nothing like a mild dose of self-deprecation for a Monday!

Anderson then goes on to say that A) his political science degree was basically useless (hey, guess who else majored in poli sci?) and B) upon graduation, he made a list of the things he wanted in life.

Here's my list (roughly):
  1. Happy life. This is a work in progress.
  2. Travel. I'd love to see you, ____ (Tokyo, Milan, Paris, Sydney, etc. etc.).
  3. Own french bulldog(s).
  4. Keep and nurture longlasting friendships and relationships. I'd also at some point, like a totally gratuitous, self-indulgent Sex and the City montage. I'm talking about the clothes, shoes, bags, and the strut down 5th Ave. This may or may not include my male buddies.
  5. Live in New York.
  6. Discover L.A. I've lived here all my life, but the city is still a stranger to me.
  7. Learn to love myself, imperfections and all.
  8. Learn to love the gym.
  9. Find the perfect place to call home, and then decorate it with reckless abandon.
  10. Achieve the perfect, no fuss, no muss, roll out of bed hair by actually rolling out of bed, not by spending 1 hour with an arsenal of product, tools, and growing frustration.
  11. Visit (or work) on a television or movie set.

1 comment:

  1. um we need to travel with our corgis and frenchies. we both know your henri needs to see paris someday. also, if you come to atlanta we can go stalk the silver fox @ cnn studios.
