Thursday, December 16, 2010

FOX "Fringe" Friday Promo

A couple of weeks ago FOX decided to move Fringe to Friday. Let's just take a moment to really let that settle in. You can't imagine the fit of rage I flew into when I first heard the news. Friday night is where shows go to die. It's essentially the kiss of death, the sayonara from the network, and the last stop before the train pulls into cancellation station. So how could they put my beloved, awesomely fantastic, creepy as all hale, Fringe onto the Friday night schedule? Well, it was because they wanted to make room for American Idol on Thursdays. If I wanted to watch a group of people constantly get berated by an off-putting British man and have their talent and self esteem get cut down week after week for all of America to see, I'd just watch one of Gordon Ramsey's 10,000 shows on air.

Knowing that they've ruffled some feathers, FOX has released this promo to try and ease our concerns. Frankly, I'm still depressed Fringe is on Friday. I almost refuse to believe it. WHY? For the love of all things great and sacred in network television, WHY?!


  1. Okay, I've never seen this show but I do want to start because this trailer seems so awesome. However, I don't think Friday is necessarily a death kiss to every show. I think it really depends on the audience. Battlestar Galactica had a fanatical following -- me being one of them -- and it was always on a Friday time slot because they knew their nerds were willing to stay home on Friday nights anyway. Time to play catch up on this show while I'm home for vacay!

  2. Isn't BSG on cable (SYFY)? Acceptable cable vs network ratings are totally different. Typically shows are sent to Friday nights because they are scoring low in ratings and there is no other room on the TV schedule. It's previous night (Thursday) was highly impacted, especially with competition from CBS and NBC comedy line-ups. Putting Idol into that timeslot on Thursday will guarantee a ratings boost. Thus, Fringe has to be bumped to Friday. So sad.

    You should DEFINITELY watch this show. It starts off slow season 1, but then it gets amazing.
