A frenetic look into fashion, movies, TV, and post-grad life through the lens of a (slightly sarcastic, slightly self-indulgent) twenty-something year old.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Fallon, and The Roots Perform a Medley of Rap Through the Decades
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
New Trailer: "Yogi Bear"
Why, Justin, why?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Flight of the Conchords on The Simpsons!
Well, maybe not nothing. I'd love to see another FotC season above anything else, but I'll take what I can get.
"The Social Network" Cast Interviews and Movie Previews
Watch this exclusive webcast with the cast of the "Facebook movie" and its screenplay writer (Aaron Sorkin), brought to you by none other than MySpace, and uploaded onto YouTube(Hilarious, right? Right.):
I also loved this interview with Jake the Movie Guy. I like that this guy always does his research and actually asks some thought provoking questions, making movie junket interviews less vanilla and repetitive. I also have a newfound love for Andrew Garfield, who is just lovely and eloquent. Still waiting to see him in Never Let Me Go. Interview features Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, Armie Hammer, and Aaron Sorkin.
Preview featuring Kanye West's Power:
And.. if you're up for it, the 40 minute panel at the New York Film Festival, held last Friday, September 24. It's interesting, and worth it to watch. Part One:
Watch the rest here: http://www.filmlinc.com/nyff/2010/new-york-film-festival-video
Jeff Zucker Fired by NBC Comcast CEO Steve Burke
Jeff Zucker has been pushed out of NBC by new NBC Comcast CEO, Steve Burke. Zucker was quietly told to leave in a face to face meeting with Burke two weeks ago. He's already sent out a company wide email on his resignation, and his leave will be effective once the merger between NBC and Comcast (which owns a 51% share) is finalized.
And of course, Zucker couldn't think of a reason why he was given the boot, and claims that he was only fired because Comcast wanted to make a "change". Those of us who aren't in denial all know that Zucker's shortcomings have gone on for far too long without punishment. We all know he was the mastermind behind the late night shakeup between Leno and Conan, but that was just one of his many zuck-ups.
Good riddance, I say. Besides, it's not like he didn't walk away with a hefty severance package.
Check out Nikki's extensive coverage on the matter.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Conan Behind the Scenes Shoot + Promos aka Coco Spam Post
Behind the Scenes of Conan's TBS Photoshoot w/Twilight the Owl:
Conan 'Missing You' (I can relate) promos:
Conan premieres November 8th on TBS! I'm ready!
Gwyenth Paltrow and Javier Bardem on "Glee"

You ready for some unexpected news?
Gwyneth Paltrow and Javier Bardem are the newest stars to jump on board the Glee overnight success train. Javier Bardem's deal is on lock and he's set to appear as a rock star who befriends Artie in this upcoming season (which premieres tomorrow night at 8pm). Gwyneth's still undergoing final negotiations, but it's looking pretty good, seeing as Ryan Murphy specifically wrote this part for her. She will be playing a substitute teacher and a love interest for Will. Do I smell a love triangle between Emma (Jayma Mays), Will (Matthew Morrison), and Gwenny P's character? I think so. But really though, when my Gwyneth is involved, it's no contest. Once the deal becomes finalized, Gwyneth will star in two episodes, which will be airing in November.
Two huge Oscar winners for Glee? That's a major score. I am completely in love with Javier Bardem and it's my firm belief that once Javier and Penelope Cruz have their baby together, the universe will implode from too much beauty. God, those two infuriate me yet make me so happy at the same time. Gwyneth Paltrow is also a longtime favorite of mine, she won me over a long time ago. The woman can do no wrong in my eyes. I loved her karaoke in Duets and from what I've seen so far from her latest release, Country Strong (12/22/10), her country isn't so bad either.
I'm looking forward to watching them grace the small screen.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fact or Fiction: Arrested Development Movie Teaser Poster

This poster has been hitting the viral circuit lately -- and no one is fessing up on where it originated. The Arrested Development movie has been in talks for awhile now, and I've been following its very move. It's definitely an on again, off again relationship I have with this movie. One moment, it's a green light and I'm brimming with anticipation, the next moment, stars of the movie are quoted saying it will never happen. I want to be excited, but I don't want to jinx anything. This movie has been teetering on a tightrope since the very idea of it began -- and you don't want to do anything that will adversely affect its delicate nature.
Good news though: Mitch Hurwitz did mention at the TCA awards, held earlier this year, that the script was halfway done. Do you hear that? Halfway done! Alright, I'll contain myself.
Even better news: If the movie is happening, the entire cast is on board. I mean, come on, you can't make an AD movie without the original cast. I'm so glad they're all back! If not everyone was signed on, you may as well throw that script out the window. No AD movie is complete without Michael Bluth, George Bluth, Lucille Bluth, Gob, Buster, Lindsay Bluth, George Michael, Maeby, and my personal fave (although really, it's so hard to choose), Tobias Funke.
Who's ready for Development?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
HOUSE Season 7 Premiere Preview = Huddy Love
I expect this season will be epic because of Huddy!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Mulberry for Target Featured in Teen Vogue

(Scan courtesy of Nitrolicious)
Honestly, the most appealing thing from this ad is the french bulldog in the bottom corner.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Beauty Reviews: Brazilian Blowout, Coppola Keratin Complex, Marrakesh Oil, First Aid Beauty, Laura Mercier Primer, Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Now let me preface these reviews with a little note about my hair, considering half of these products/treatments have to do with haircare. I do not have normal Asian hair. Now, I have wished all my life that I had sleek, straight hair like many Asians do, but alas, that can never happen for me, not naturally at least. My hair is all kinds of wonky, and it likes to do whatever it feels like. One day it'll be really wavy, the next day it'll be flat with kinks all up in it. The only thing I can really count on is its slight coarseness and frizz. Naturally my hair is not so hot. Not so hot at all. That's why I usually need the help of my trusty Sedu straightener or box of Conair curlers. Unfortunately, excessive heat is a big no no for hair. Now I'm sure we can all see where this is going.. naturally messy hair + heat styling = damage = hot mess.
Alrighty then, moving right along.
#1. Brazilian Blowout Treatment

- I've been toying with the idea of getting this done for awhile, but the price has always made me reconsider. The Brazilian Blowout is a treatment that does not damage your hair and leaves it soft and sleek for up to three months. It's basically a hair relaxer that particularly benefits those with damaged and curly/wavy hair. It will run you about $300+ at most salons. Luckily for me, LivingSocial must have sensed my need for this treatment and had it on one of their daily specials for $125. For $125 I just couldn't say no and I couldn't have clicked 'purchase!' any faster.
- I got my BB done two weeks ago in a tiny, adorable salon called Studio Noi in Venice, CA. Owner Mar Fujimoto is a doll. The salon usually charges $300 for a BB, I believe. However, Mar offered me a second blowout at $185, even though I used the $125 LivingSocial voucher for my first. Sweet, right? I may be happy, but my bank account isn't. As great as this treatment is, I don't think I could stomach paying that much every three months for my hair.
- No before and after pics, but I must say, I am a complete believer in the BB magic now! Obviously, after the treatment and blowout, my hair looked and felt fantastic, but that's always the case when you go to a salon. The real test was the day, week, month, etc after. It's been about two weeks now and I can report that my hair is still looking and feeling great. There's a definite difference in texture compared to how my hair was before. My only gripe is that my hair is not that much more straight, and it still looks quite odd when I wake up in the morning. However, the upkeep has significantly improved. I can straighten in 5-10 minutes flat, and my hair isn't left looking damaged and sad.
- Final verdict? I love the treatment, but I'm not convinced it will last three months. I guess I'll have to wait and see. And as for getting another treatment? Who knows. It hurts to think what $300 x 4 (times a year) x the rest of my life may add up to. Yikes!

- After completing the Brazilian Blowout treatment, it's recommended that you purchase the aftercare products in order to prolong the results. You can purchase the products separately or as a bundle, which includes the shampoo, conditioner, serum, and deep conditioner. All together, the bundle will run you $130. My first thought upon encountering this little nugget of information? Oh no, oh hale no. I can't justify spending more on the after care products than I did the treatment. Tell me that isn't a bit ridiculous. So I went on a hunt for alternatives. That's when I came across Coppola brand products.
- The brazilian blowout aftercare products include some ingredients from the original treatment, but some of the most important things to get out of these products is that they contain keratin and that they are sodium chloride free. Coppola products seem to do the trick for me as they are both sodium chloride free and chocked with keratin.
- In short, the smell is great, and the products feel light in my hair. Products with sodium chloride can leave your hair feeling heavy and bogged down, as well as strip away the nutrients in your hair. Because the Keratin Complex products are free of those harsh ingredients, my hair is feeling light and soft, for the first time in a long time.
- Some general tips to keep in mind while washing and conditioning: Only wash your scalp, and make sure you do so by gently massaging and not furiously scrubbing your hair. Make sure to condition pony tail down only because if you don't, it may leave your scalp greasy with residue.
- Final verdict? A great shampoo and conditioner combo that really nurtures your hair and leaves it looking and feeling great. Very reasonably priced at roughly $15-$17 for the shampoo and likewise for the conditioner.

- It's no secret that I'm a total cheapskate, and I'm always hunting for a better bargain. My hair stylist used MorroccanOil products on me, and while I loved it, I wasn't loving its price tag.
- Luckily for me, I was sent a sample of Marrakesh Oil along with my purchase of the Keratin Complex Shampoo and Conditioner. Marrakesh Oil is the perfect alternative to MorroccanOil, and a little goes a long way. Just pump out a tiny amount into your hands and rub through the ends of your hair after a shower or before heat styling and voila! Your hair is smooth and silky. Before using Marrakesh Oil, I was using Biosilk, but it was leaving my hair slightly greasy. No such problems with Marrakesh.
- Marrakesh Oil combines argan oil and Hemp Seed oil, which acts as a deep moisturizer for your hair, which is exactly why it should be used in moderation and only on the tips of your hair, and definitely not on your scalp.
- Final verdict? Marrakesh Oil has a thick, sweet, cloying smell that can be overpowering to some, but the moisturizing benefits are great, and it definitely isn't too heavy for your hair. A great alternative to MorroccanOil, especially since it will only run you about $15 and will last you a long time since you only use a little bit of the product at a time.

- I've used many different kinds of moisturizers, ranging from pharmacy store brands to Chanel, Shiseido, Bare Escentuals, etc. I've never quite found the right one. I was at Sephora one day in search of a moisturizer, and I randomly picked up the First Aid Beauty Moisturizer. Having never heard of the brand, I decided to give it a whirl anyway.
- I've been using it nonstop for two months now. I love this thing! It can be used all over your body, and it's seriously moisturizing! Now a lot of moisturizers do a good job at moisturizing, but usually with caveats. Sometimes they clog your pores or they're too thick, or they leave you feeling oily. This has solved all those problems, and even better, it smells delicious. I use this on my face day and night, and I use this all over my body. Sephora has recently started carrying more products by First Aid Beauty, and I will definitely be trying their other products.
- Final verdict? It's a no brainer here, it's a must buy. It's everything you can want in a moisturizer. Great smelling, long lasting, and great for your skin. You can find the Ultra Repair cream at Sephora and it will run you $28, which is more than reasonable considering it's a big 6 oz!

- Another product that I've tried multiple variations of. I've gone through Sephora brand, Chanel, Smashbox, and more. It's a tiring, frustrating search for the perfect foundation primer, that unfortunately, is still ongoing.
- While I do like the Laura Mercier primer, I do have a few gripes about it. For one thing, if you apply a little bit too much, it can get flaky as you rub it into your face. It also isn't as long lasting as I had hoped, especially in the t-zone, and it does not have any SPF sun protection.
- However, with all that said, I do think it does a good job, especially for its price. If anything, I'd prefer Chanel over this, but Laura Mercier is definitely more affordable when you get down to price-size ratio comparisons.
- Final verdict? It does a good job for the price, but it's definitely not perfect. Buy it at Sephora for $30.

- I've been a pretty faithful user of DiorShow Mascara, but after buying tube after tube, I decided it wasn't worth it. First of all, at $24 a tube, it isn't exactly cheap. Now, I can deal with the price if the product is great, but this is the most offensive part: after a few months or so, the tube and the wand completely dry up. That's right. It dries up like a kiddie pool left in the Sahara. I can't believe I pay $24 time after time for a product that doesn't even want to work for me after a couple of months! Come on, Dior, step your game up!
- My third gripe about DiorShow is that my eyes don't really look that va-va-voom after applying. Alright. Maybe there's a little va, but there's definitely no voom! In comes Maybelline Falsies.
- After being a makeup snob for years and only buying designer brands, I decided to get off my high horse and turn to pharmacy store brands. My first foray was into Maybelline Falsies mascara, and boy, am I glad I made the change. It visibly lengthens my lashes and honestly, it's the longest I've ever seen them. The wand has a scoop design so it grabs nearly every lash. In my own opinion, Falsies is absolutely better than DiorShow, and I will never be going back.
- Final verdict? While it can make your lashes clumpy if you're not careful, Maybelline Falsies is definitely worth the buy because the work it does on your lashes is amazing. We've all seen the commercials promising longer, more visible lashes and now we can finally believe them. Buy Falsies at your local drugstore or at Target for $6.29.
Ready for NYFW 2010, Round 2?
(Pictured: Christian Siriano's runway show. Photo Credit: WWD's twitter)
It's official! New York Fashion Week is in full swing. Fashion Week is debuting for the first time at the Lincoln Center, as Bryant Park will no longer be the home of NYFW. Day 1 includes Richard Chai, Christian Siriano, Vena Cava, Rachel Comey, Bensoni, the Project Runway finale, and many others. See full list and schedule for the rest of the week at New York Mag.
For full coverage and live tweets, visit Fashion Week's twitter page.
Ah! I love this time of year. Summer has died down, along with the insane heat, the air is crisp, and fashion week is finally here! Excited to see: Marc Jacobs, 3.1 Phillip Lim, rag&bone, Rodarte, Proenza Schouler, J. Mendel, Doo.Ri, Prabal Gurung, and oh so much more.
The giddy girl inside of me comes out this time of year!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Los Angeles Fashion Night Out 2010: 9/10/10

After the success of last year's Fashion's Night Out in NYC, FNO has expanded to cities across the U.S., and that includes our own batch of festivities out here in L.A.! Fashion's Night Out is an event dedicated to supporting retailers and the like. Basically, it's the fashion industry's response to the recession and downward trend of spending. So get out there, sip some champagne, munch on some cupcakes and cold cuts, and spend your hard earned money so we can dig ourselves out of this hole.
Racked LA has arranged an awesome list that encompasses some great spots (although not comprehensive) to hit up on Friday night. This includes events from Newport Beach to Pasadena to L.A. and beyond.
Some interesting events to note:
- Beverly Center: Free parking after 4pm, Will.I.Am and Lisa Love (of Teen Vogue) hosting
- Rodeo Drive: Giant ferris wheel, free manicures at Chanel (!)
- Phillip Lim: Sadly, Lim himself won't be there, but an open bar will. Open bar? Oh, I can't say no.
- The Grove: Big 'ole party with an appearance from Fergie at Nordies, where she will be supporting her shoe line, Fergie.
- Santa Monica Place / Century City Mall: Justin Timberlake and best friend and business partner, Trace Ayala will be there to support their denim brand, William Rast. JT & co will be at SaMo from 6-7, Century City from 8-9.
- One Colorado (Pasadena): Closer to my neck of the woods! Finger foods and a fashion show in old town.
- Fashion Island (Newport Beach): Lo Bosworth (of The Hills) will be on hand to give styling tips and support her new book, The Lo Down.
- More information on event times at Racked LA and the L.A. Fashion's Night Out's official page.
What about everyone else? Who's headed to FNO?
Fall 2010 Television Season is Here!
Can you tell how excited I am?
I'm looking forward to the return of some of my good 'ole favorites. These are the shows that I pine for, wait in nervous anticipation for, and count down the days from last season's season finale to this season's fall premiere. This includes: House, Dexter, The Amazing Race, Fringe, Modern Family, Glee, The Vampire Diaries (this is my total guilty pleasure, except I don't really feel all that guilty, especially since Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley are often shirtless.) and The Office. I would be excited over Parks & Recreation, but I'm still harboring rage over NBC for placing them as a midseason replacement. This was announced at upfronts in May and I'm STILL fuming. How can they go and do that to my Amy Poehler? Are the execs even watching the show? They must not be, because if they saw even one episode from last season, they would have never put Parks & Rec in the backseat. Hopefully when newly premiering shows start dropping like flies later on this season they can bring Parks & Rec back earlier than planned.
With each fall television season there is a whole batch of newcomers. The ones I'm eager to see? Nikita, ($&! My Dad Says, Running Wilde, Raising Hope, and The Event (Smart marketing ploy by NBC, intentionally making the previews vague. I have a feeling this will turn into a Flash Forward situation, though. Interesting concept, poor execution.)
Full list of fall premiere dates below:
Shows with an asterisk* denote new shows.
Tuesday, Sept. 7
Sons of Anarchy (FX), 10 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 8
America's Next Top Model (cycle 15) (CW), 8 p.m.
*Hellcats (CW), 9 p.m.
*Terriers (FX), 10 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 9
The Vampire Diaries (CW), 8 p.m.
*Nikita (CW), 9 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 13
90210 (CW), 8 p.m.
Gossip Girl (CW), 9 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 14
One Tree Hill (CW), 8 p.m.
Life Unexpected (CW), 9 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 15
Survivor: Nicaragua (CBS), 8 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 16
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX), 10 p.m.
The League (FX), 10:30 p.m..
Monday, Sept. 20
Dancing With the Stars (ABC), 8 p.m.
How I Met Your Mother (CBS), 8 p.m.
Rules of Engagement (CBS), 8:30 p.m.
Chuck (NBC), 8 p.m.
House (Fox), 8 p.m.
*Lone Star (Fox), 9 p.m.
*The Event (NBC), 9 p.m.
Two and a Half Men (CBS), 9 p.m.
*Mike & Molly (CBS), 9:30 p.m.
*Hawaii Five-0 (CBS), 10 p.m.
*Chase (NBC), 10 p.m.
Castle (ABC), 10 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 21
Glee (Fox), 8 p.m.
NCIS (CBS), 8 p.m.
The Biggest Loser (NBC), 8 p.m.
NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS), 9 p.m.
*Raising Hope (Fox), 9 p.m.
*Running Wilde (Fox), 9:30 p.m.
Parenthood (NBC), 10 p.m.
Dancing With the Stars (ABC), 8 p.m. (special performance show night and time)
*Detroit 1-8-7 (ABC), 10 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 22
Criminal Minds (CBS), 9 p.m.
*The Defenders (CBS), 10 p.m.
*Undercovers (NBC), 8 p.m.
Hell's Kitchen (Fox), 8 p.m.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC), 9 p.m.
*Law & Order: Los Angeles (NBC), 10 p.m.
The Middle (ABC), 8 p.m.
*Better With You (formerly Better Together) (ABC), 8:30 p.m.
Modern Family (ABC), 9 p.m.
Cougar Town (ABC), 9:30 p.m.
*The Whole Truth (ABC), 10 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 23
The Big Bang Theory (CBS), 8 p.m.
*$#*! My Dad Says (CBS), 8:30 p.m.
Bones (Fox), 8 p.m.
Community (NBC), 8 p.m.
30 Rock (NBC), 8:30 p.m.
*My Generation (ABC), 8 p.m.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CBS), 9 p.m.
Fringe (Fox), 9 p.m.
Grey's Anatomy (ABC), 9 p.m.
The Office (NBC), 9 p.m.
*Outsourced (NBC), 9:30 p.m.
The Mentalist (CBS), 10 p.m.
The Apprentice (NBC), 10 p.m.
Private Practice (ABC), 10 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 24
Medium (CBS), 8 p.m.
Human Target (Fox), 8 p.m.
Smallville (CW), 8 p.m.
*School Pride (NBC), 8 p.m.
The Good Guys (Fox), 9 p.m.
Supernatural (CW), 9 p.m.
CSI: NY (CBS), 9 p.m.
*Blue Bloods (CBS), 10 p.m.
*Outlaw (NBC), 10 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 26
The Simpsons (Fox), 8 p.m.
The Cleveland Show (Fox), 8:30 p.m.
Family Guy (one-hour season premiere) (Fox), 9 p.m.
The Amazing Race (CBS), 8:30 p.m.
Undercover Boss (CBS), 10 p.m.
Dexter (Showtime), 9 p.m.
Bored to Death (HBO), 10 p.m.
Eastbound & Down (HBO), 10:30 p.m.
Desperate Housewives (ABC), 9 p.m.
Brothers & Sisters (ABC), 10 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 28
*No Ordinary Family (ABC), 8 p.m.
Dancing With the Stars (results show) (ABC), 9 p.m.
Stargate Universe (Syfy), 9 p.m.
The Good Wife (CBS), 10 p.m.
Sanctuary (Syfy), 10 p.m.
October TBA
The Walking Dead (AMC)
Sunday, Oct. 3
The Amazing Race (CBS), 8 p.m. (time period premiere)
Undercover Boss (CBS), 9 p.m. (time period premiere)
American Dad (Fox), 9:30 p.m
CSI: Miami (CBS), 10 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 4
The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo), 9 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 27
Friday Night Lights (DirecTV's 101), 9 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 10
Lie to Me (Fox), 8 p.m.
Hell's Kitchen (time period premiere) (Fox), 9 p.m.
Compiled List courtesy of E! Online's Watch with Kristin.
It's Official! Piers Morgan Replaces Larry King.

Rumors have been circulating for months on who Larry King's replacement would be. After going around in circles about Piers Morgan's involvement with the show, CNN finally announced today that Piers would be officially replacing Larry King in January 2011.
Most widely recognized as a judge on America's Got Talent and Britain's Got Talent, Morgan also has a large repertoire in journalism, as a long time editor and reporter in the UK. CNN US President Jon Klein had this to say about Morgan, "Piers has made his name posing tough questions to public figures, holding them accountable for their words and deeds... He is able to look at all aspects of the news with style and humor with an occasional good laugh in the process."
Piers' show, which has not yet been named, will air at 9pm EST on CNN starting in January.
Interesting. I wonder if this will help the show's ratings, considering they have hit an all-time low these past couple of months. Will Piers breathe life, and more importantly, youth, into the show, or will he ultimately be the show's demise? I'd be curious to find out what kind of contract Piers has obtained with CNN. I know they're hoping he'll have the power to revive the show, but that will take a whole revamp. I hope he's not just a new dog with the same tricks. Guess we'll have to wait and find out in January.
Read the full release at CNN.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happy Birthday To Me..
"Due Date" Trailers

Yeah, I pretty much need to see this movie whether or not it turns out to be absolute crap.
For those of you who know me, know that I have an obsession with french bulldogs. My life's ambition is to own one. I go to pet stores and end up near tears when I see a french bulldog I cannot have. I troll the internet for cute frenchie photos and videos. Ok, I think I'll stop now to avoid further embarrassment and subsequent awkwardness.
I've been following this movie for awhile now, ever since I saw teaser pictures from the shoot with a french bulldog in it. A teaser trailer was released in July and the frenchie was the total scene stealer! My heart still melts a little when I see the poster. A new trailer has been released for Due Date, featuring more frenchie love! Check it out below. Due Date is an updated take on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and stars Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifanakis (but most importantly, that adorable french bulldog). Due Date is due in theaters on November 5th.
Teaser trailer released back in July:
More H&M Collabs: Tomas Maier and Carolina Herrera?

Someone at H&M PR needs a raise. They sure are upping the ante over at H&M with their designer collaborations as of late, and now they've launched a sneaky PR campaign that has you guessing who their next male and female collaborations will be. H&M has posted photos and videos that give you subtle hints on the mystery designers. They will unveil on September 9. The internet is already speculating that the male is Tomas Meier, creative director of Bottega Veneta, and the female is Carolina Herrera.
Speculate away and see for yourself on Sept. 9!
LANVIN FOR H&M -- Confirmed!
Will it be awe-inspiring or will it be atrocious? Guess we'll get to make that distinction as soon as November 2, because that's when the collection will be previewed, just three weeks shy from its actual launch date in stores. That's just about two months away! Eek. Even more interesting, the collection will feature womenswear AND menswear. No word on whether or not that will include their famous accessories and footwear. Let's hope so, and let's hope that the wares are real leather, just as Jimmy Choo x H&M items were, except this time, hopefully they're of higher quality. I'd rather pay a slightly elevated price point for goods made out of more luxurious materials. You get what you pay for.
Lanvin for H&M will debut in 200 stores nationwide on November 20, 2010. Mark those calendars NOW.
ETA: According to Nitrolicious, there will be 30 womenswear pieces along with 15 accessories, and 25 menswear pieces, along with 10 accessories. That's alot to look forward to!
Watch the adorable and charming Alber Elbaz introduce Lanvin for H&M:
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Conan's New TBS Show: Appropriately Titled, "Conan"
Conan finally reveals the title to his new show on TBS:
Lady Gaga and Marc Jacobs Cover V Magazine

Is it me, or are some of those paint splatters/flower petals/whatever the hell they are, kind of phallic?
One thing I know for sure: Marc in a tux is always a good thing!
Photo credit: Coco Perez

Yes, this post deserves a title in all caps.
The blogosphere is all atwitter (See what I did there? See? Geez, this is cheesy.) over a rumor that Lanvin is next up to collaborate with H&M. WWD really seems to think so.
This is on another level. This could either be epic, or just an epic failure.