You ready for some unexpected news?
Gwyneth Paltrow and Javier Bardem are the newest stars to jump on board the Glee overnight success train. Javier Bardem's deal is on lock and he's set to appear as a rock star who befriends Artie in this upcoming season (which premieres tomorrow night at 8pm). Gwyneth's still undergoing final negotiations, but it's looking pretty good, seeing as Ryan Murphy specifically wrote this part for her. She will be playing a substitute teacher and a love interest for Will. Do I smell a love triangle between Emma (Jayma Mays), Will (Matthew Morrison), and Gwenny P's character? I think so. But really though, when my Gwyneth is involved, it's no contest. Once the deal becomes finalized, Gwyneth will star in two episodes, which will be airing in November.
Two huge Oscar winners for Glee? That's a major score. I am completely in love with Javier Bardem and it's my firm belief that once Javier and Penelope Cruz have their baby together, the universe will implode from too much beauty. God, those two infuriate me yet make me so happy at the same time. Gwyneth Paltrow is also a longtime favorite of mine, she won me over a long time ago. The woman can do no wrong in my eyes. I loved her karaoke in Duets and from what I've seen so far from her latest release, Country Strong (12/22/10), her country isn't so bad either.
I'm looking forward to watching them grace the small screen.
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