Besides our time, how much more are we willing to pay for an unpaid internship?
How about over $3,000?
I know. Yeeeeeeesh. Versace is auctioning off an unpaid internship for charity and the current high bid is $3,250! Over $3k to hang clothes and fetch coffee!
I mean I know that the economy is killing us all, especially us fellow post grads out there, but come on. Don't tell me it's come to this. If so, should I just give up now and start studying to be, let's say, a librarian? I found a job posting yesterday for my nearby library--they're looking for an entry level librarian and the pay is get this: $50-$80k. You just need a masters in library science (I know, right? Bet you didn't know that existed. And I also bet you didn't know you could nab one of those babies online.). Yikes. Here I am desperately vying for a job in H-wood that will pay me around $30k, when all this time all I had to do was work for the library down the street from me. I keep telling myself it's about the dream, not the money, but since the dream seems farther away every day (especially now that you have to PAY to work for free), it's getting a little difficult.
Another somewhat related anecdote that just so happens involve fashion and the endless job search: Went on another interview (not just any interview, but one that I really wanted to nab) today and I wore a pair of trusty Christian Loubs, thinking you could never go wrong with a classic pair of Loubs. Well, that was until I wore them long enough to make my feet feel like they were dying, which sadly, was not that long. I had to go home, yell hail Mary as I pried them off my feet, soak my feet in a bubbling foot spa and then stick a bandaid on the sad blister on my big toe. Ah geez, I'm that girl. That girl in the silly high heels teetering around in pain because they go with my outfit.
So, how long should I keep trying and when should I just give up altogether and start that good ole' degree in library sci?
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