It's all about to come to an end though, and it's not a happy ending. I'm sad to say that the settlement plans are in motion and are nearly a done deal. Friday will be Conan's last show as the Tonight Show host. Conan will be walking away with a $40 million payout and Jeff Zucker's attempt at icing out Conan for the next 3.5 years have been thwarted. That seems to be the only bright spot in this whole saddening situation. I'm heartbroken that after only seven months on air, Conan O'Brien will be stepping down from his title as Tonight Show host and Jay Leno will be taking over the throne once again. Can someone please send Leno an explanation of the term 'passing the torch'? Because I just don't think he gets it. I think the only thing he gets is dollar signs and dealbreakers.
As if the Conan support isn't already blistering obvious in this town, Team Coco supporters gathered today just outside the Universal Studios lot to protest. TMZ has been covering the protest and reporting live with a video feed. Check it out here. There's a video at the source with none other than our good ole Tonight Show sidekick, Andy Richter waving from a rooftop.
The only pic as of now of Sasquatch himself braving the rain to reach out to the masses who came to rally for him this morning: http://twitpic.com/yprvd
ETA: pics and a video of Andy's short speech to the crowd:

So what can we hope for in the future? That Conan return to late night once again, but sadly no deals have been made and even if there were one in the works, it would take at least a year to set up a brand new show around our dear Coco. I'll be waiting for you, Coco!
I'll post when news is official and the deal is signed and sealed. For now, check out Jimmy Kimmel's appearance on Jay Leno's 10@10 last week. I'm still reeling. One of the best things I've seen on TV. MUST WATCH! Warning: it's scathing and there is second hand embarrassment abound for Jay Leno.
Some of my favorite moments:
- [Asked by Leno what the best prank he ever pulled was] "The best prank I ever pulled was I told a guy that—five years from now—I'm gonna give you my show. And then when the five years came, I gave it to him, and then I took it back almost instantly."
- [Asked by Leno if he ever orders anything off of the TV] "Like NBC ordered your show off the TV?"
- [Asked by Leno what the record is for number of lap dances he's received in one night] "Strippers, I don't like in general. Because you have this phony relationship with them for money, similar to that of when you and Conan were on The Tonight Show together, passing the torch... you know what I'm saying."
- [Asked by Leno what he hasn't yet hosted, but would like to] "Oh, this is a trick, right? Where you get me to host The Tonight Show and then take it back from me?"
- [Asked why he came on to do the segment] "Listen, Jay, Conan and I have children—all you have to take care of is cars. I mean, we have lives to lead here. You've got $800 million, for God's sakes—leave our shows alone."
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