Friday, December 4, 2009

so dreams do come true.. but apparently only on youtube

Ladies and gents, this is a story about the American dream, or er--the Hollywood dream? Federico Alvarez runs a post-production house in Uruguay and he could also be the next big filmmaker. He was discovered on youtube after he posted a self-made, original video of a giant robot invasion. He shot the video on his own time, and with a budget of $500. After nearly a million views on youtube, he's got himself a big Hollywood contract to the tune of $30 million, and $1 million in directorial fees. He's now signed with Mandate Pictures, a subdivision of Lionsgate. A number of directors have also reached out to him, including Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, Trainspotting) and Sam Raimi (Spiderman), who is rumored to be working with him on his project.

How unbelievable is that? I mean, first music artists getting signed to labels (a la Justin Bieber and Esmee Denters) and now future directors? Could the future of Hollywood lie in youtube? I guess that's the natural progression. No more original scripts --> Milking book adaptations for all their worth ---> Youtube. Oh, okay.

All sarcasm aside, this video is pretty fucking impressive. In fact, it's amazing. I still can't believe it was shot with $500. I mean, think of what this guy can do with $30 mil!

Check out the video below. It's worth it. Trust me:

Kudos, Federico! Now for the more pressing matter of trying to figure out what I can post on youtube.. Hello, Hollywood, can you hear me? I'm working on it.

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