Via Deadline Hollywood:

Getting promoted from assistant to deal maker is itself an unforgettable day in the life of an assistant. The partners at Principato-Young ratcheted up the grandeur last Friday for newly minted managers Pete Dealbert and Meghan Moeller. Principato partners Allen Fischer and Paul Young tell me they gathered the entire assistant staff into a conference room, ostensibly to discuss the important issue of new chairs for expansion to the ninth floor at their 9465 Wilshire Blvd headquarters. While they closed the blinds to view chair choices on a monitor, partner Brian Dobbins hung an 18-foot banner off the roof of the building across the street. Filmmaker client Zack Pearlman rushed in to ask if they’d seen the commotion across the street. When the blinds were opened, Dealbert (1.5 years and Susan Solomon’s assistant) and Moeller (a 3.5 year vet and Peter Principato’s assistant) realized their coffee pouring days were over. The promotions swell the roster of Principato-Young managers to 16.
Now this is the kind of company you want to work for. What an incredibly great gesture to build morale at work and to really show appreciation for your employees. I know where I'm sending my resume in the future.
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