Today: the big surprise nominee, The Blind Side. The Blind Side had barely blipped on the awards radar, outside from Sandra Bullock's performance in this film, so it came as a big shock when the movie's Academy Award best picture nomination was announced.
The Blind Side is based on the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless, traumatized, African American boy who becomes adopted by the wealthy Tuohy family. With the help of his new mother, Leigh Ann (Sandra Bullock), he rebuilds his life and realizes his full potential as a successful football player.
This is a touching, true story that has a great heart, and reminds you that there are some truly great people out there who do good deeds. This is the movie to see if you want to feel inspired, because it does a good job of depicting an uplifting true story in an honest way. It's a wholesome, family type of film. The relationship between Leigh Anne and Michael is very sweet, and I'm glad this movie was able to get made because there aren't that many movies out there today with a happy, inspiring message that isn't cloyingly sweet and watered down. With all that said, it's a great movie to rent on a Friday night or to watch when you're feeling down, but that's about it. It doesn't stand out as anything spectacular or memorable, and it certainly isn't best picture material. The best picture category reflects the year's breakthrough, stand out films that not only are the year's best, but are a group of films that will also stand the test of time as future filmmakers look to match their caliber of success. There's something so indescribably special about a best picture nominee, and The Blind Side just doesn't have that spark.
Now don't get me wrong, The Blind Side was an enjoyable, good movie, but it was good, not great. Sandra Bullock's performance in this movie was her career's best. However, again, I don't think it was Oscar worthy. I think she showed that she has an ability to be a convincing, effective dramatic actor, but this was not her Oscar worthy role. She did do a great job in this movie, but I don't know who anyone's kidding if they truly think it was the best female performance this year. I love Sandra Bullock, but I'll have a real problem of confidence in the Academy if she wins best actress this year.
Bottom line: Go rent this movie at your local redbox if you need a pick me up. You won't regret it. You also won't believe it's nominated for best picture among a class that includes The Godfather, Annie Hall, Taxi Driver, and Schindler's List. Yikes.
ONE more to go! My previous best picture reviews:
A Serious Man
An Education
District 9
The Hurt Locker
Up in the Air
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