I've come to a realization. I'm a sucker for all things girly. Now, I never really gave that much thought to being such a girly girl (I know, for those who know me, this may be shocking), until I flat out asked the boyfriend if he thought I could pass for a tough, rough and tumble girl who could hang with the boys. He shot me down without a moment's hesitation. I mean, I thought I'd at least get two seconds of contemplation, but no, without a doubt, I'm a big ole girl.
Let's examine the evidence:
- My iPhone case is pink. Let me be specific. Pink crystals. To be fair, they're pretty badass crystals.
- I spend enough at Sephora to always be eligible for V.I.B. status.
- I know what V.I.B. status is.
- I like buying pretty frames and collecting coffee table books, like Daniele Bott's Chanel Collections and Creations.
- I have an unhealthy handbag obsession. The Purse Forum is my second home.
- Things in miniature and/or pastel tones give me the giggles or elicit squeals.
Alright. I've had enough. I think the evidence is pretty incriminating. I'm pretty damn girly. And you know what? That's totally okay. So I may not know all the rules to professional basketball or be able to survive in the wild Bear Grylls' style, but you can sure as hell bet I'm the first person anyone comes to when they want to buy a new purse or want to plan an awesome party. Damn right.
These are the things I'm currently coveting:

Mel Leather Brogues, $64.
Chanel Special Edition Three Book Set by Francois Baudot and Francoise Aveline, $750.

Macaron Limoges Box: $96 for the box or $10 each. Tell me these aren't the most awesome things you've ever seen.

Floral Print Dress, $89.90. Reminds me of a Mary Katrantzou or Alexander McQueen print, except without the hefty price tag.

Proenza Schouler
PS1 iPad Case, $685. So it costs more than an actual iPad, no big deal.