I spent a lovely Sunday last weekend roaming around L.A. with the wonderful bf. He knew I had been jonesing to go to the Rodarte States of Matter exhibit and me being me, I had to go ASAP. We strolled in at a perfect time as it was relatively empty and we scored a parking spot right in front of the exhibit. Nothing like free parking and free admission, and in L.A. no less. I'd say that's more rare than a piece of steak at the butcher's.

A couple of notes about the exhibit: no photography is allowed and admission is free, but it's located at the MOCA Pacific Design Center. The venue is very small, and I mean itty bitty. The exhibit is comprised of two small rooms with several distracting light installations that frequently flash on and off, and even leaves you in complete darkness for a few seconds at a time. Very odd. Pieces on exhibit include dresses from '08 and '10 collections, along with the original, unaltered costumes from
Black Swan. They are phenomenal up close. I spent a good two minutes with my mouth agape. The detail that go into these pieces are so intricate and awe-inspiring. Trust me, you'll want to see these. If not to appreciate the sheer craftsmanship and art, then to appreciate how trim and teeny tiny Natalie Portman had to get in order to fit into those costumes. I don't know how the girl did it, but just looking at these costumes made my ribs hurt.
Rodarte States of Matter is on display at the MOCA Pacific Design Center from now until June 5th. Go check it out!